Photagon Guide



photagon is the social photo contest. You can compete with your photo and turn likes into profit.

  • photagon is the first social photo contest that can turn your likes into profit
  • Anyone can participate.
  • There is no voting committee. Users vote for each other.
  • You can forget the traditional 3 winning places. In a photagon contest there can be many winners according to how much their photo is liked by the participants of the same contest.
  • photagon is fair. In every contest there are 2 groups of photos. Users never vote within their own group thus the voting process unimpeachable.
  • photagon contests are continuous. Enter a contest any time.

You become member of a community.

You improve your photoshooting skills.

You can turn your likes into profit.

Yes. photagon is a free - access platform. You can login, create your profile, see photos, add comments or view results of past contests. However, if you want to participate, you need enough pLikes, according to the Contest Class to use during the voting stage. Check entry fees

Yes. Individuals below the age of 18 need to provide parental consent in order to participate in Contest Classes and photagon transactions.

pLike is the photagon credit unit. 1 euro is 1 pLike.

You use the pLikes to vote in the contests, buy photos, or offer to other users. You can always cash out your pLike balance and add your earnings to your PayPal or credit card.

Your reel is the center of information of the photagon community. You see uploaded photos, Contest Class results, informative material, and sponsored content from photagon.

You can like photos only when you participate in a contest (Contest Class).

A like reflects to 1 or more pLikes given from users during the voting process.

Example. When a participant likes your photo you earned 1 or more pLikes for your photo.

Likes also increase your popularity status in photagon.

Contest Classes are different contest categories.

You select according to how much you want to earn.


Every Contest Class has a different number according to the voting pLikes you need to enter and vote.

When you enter Contest Class 16 you need 16 pLikes – The pLikes are available to you for your votes.

Since every Contest Class has 100 participants, you can potentially earn up to 1600 pLikes.

Enter different Contests

Buy pLikes to Compete

  1. 1. Upload a nice photo
  2. 2. Give pLikes to your favorite photos

Your photo gets pLikes by the next participants

The contest is finished when

10/10 users joined

10/10 users voted

Inviting your friends and sharing your participation encourages more users to compete. More participants means faster contests and quicker earnings.

If you want to see your results fast, share and invite.

After uploading you vote for your preferred photos. There are 100 photos for you to select from.

In this step you can use your available pLikes for voting. Choose the photos you like and offer 1 or more pLikes.

No, because in the voting stage you cannot see your photo.

Every Contest Class has 2 groups of participants – a group in the uploading stage and a group in the voting stage. Users from one group vote for the photos of the other group. This way the voting system is fair, and the contests are continuous!

Contest Classes are completed with two groups of participants. When one group uploads the other group votes, so all Contest Classes are connected and never ending. The more users the faster the results… and the earnings!

There is not just one winner in photagon. Users win pLikes according to the likes (votes) they receive from other users.

Yes. You can participate in all Contest Classes at the same time, but not in the same Contest Class.

The amount of money you can earn depends on how often you enter Contest Classes and how likable your photos are.

In every Contest Class, you can earn from 1 up to the maximum pLikes for distribution in the Contest Class.


In Contest Class 8, there are 800 pLikes available for distribution during the voting process. If all users vote for your photo and give you all their pLikes, then you can potentially win 800 pLikes = 800 €.

No. Your earned pLikes appear only to the users who participated in the same contest. Non participants see only your position in the final ranking.

Every Contest Class finishes when all 100 users have voted. You will receive a notification and an email about the end of the contest and the pLikes you earned.

When all 100 users finish voting then the Contest Class is finished and all pLikes are released to the users’ accounts.

No. Your photos remain only in the Contest Classes you participated. Your profile will not be searchable, and your photos will be removed from the store.

1 pLike = 1 €

Reserved pLikes are the pLikes that are on hold for your pending transactions.

For example: If you offer 2 pLikes to UserA, then 2 pLikes are reserved until UserA accepts or declines your offer.

Reserved pLikes cannot be used for Contest Classes, photo purchases or other transactions.

Bonus pLikes are complimentary pLikes that photagon offers to users. Bonus pLikes can be used only in Contest Classes and cannot be cashed out. If you are a lucky recipient of Bonus pLikes you have 20 days to use them or else they expire.

There are three ways:

Every pLike costs 1,18€, 1€ is the pLike value and 0,18€ include the transaction expenses and VAT.

When you purchase or cash out the pLikes, you automatically receive a confirmation of your transaction and receipt by photagon.

In your account settings you can opt out from receiving emails. However, some important emails regarding transactions are sent by photagon to inform you about your payments and balance.

That way photagon protects your account and informs you about your financial activity inside the platform.

Link to the important emails page

Your profile will not be searchable by other users and your photos will be removed from the store. Your Contest Class participations remain but there will be no link to your profile.


  • You cannot deactivate your account if you have pending transactions, ongoing contests and pLike balance.
  • Your username will still appear in past posts regarding your participations but without a link to your profile.
  • If you wish to return to photagon you can always do it by using the same credentials.

Deleting your account is like deactivating your account but without the option of returning with the same credentials.

Because a Contest Class is an online event that already occurred, and your photo is part of this contest’s gallery. Don’t worry, your photo will still not link to your profile.

In photagon we are socially responsible, and we support the country you select upon registration. When you enter a contest, photagon offers an amount to a cause from this country. There is no additional charge for you.

We support causes related to children. You can see the list of the organizations here.